John 1:4-5 – 4 In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
The contrast between darkness and light is clear from the beginning of the Bible when God declares “Let there be light” in the midst of the darkness. And there was light, and the light was good. There is something beautifully simple about this truth of light versus darkness. Evil loves the darkness because it can presumably get away with its evil intentions and its evil actions. Darkness is associated with sneakiness or deceitfulness where light is associated with truth and honesty. When it is dark, you cannot see clearly and discern clearly for yourself what something is or what something is like. You need light for that. When it is dark, fear and suspicion reside because you are not sure what is lurking or what is happening that you cannot see. You need light. John goes on to say in the first chapter of his gospel that no one has ever seen God but that because of the light of Jesus Christ and through the light of Jesus Christ, He has made Him known.
We send missionaries out because this world is full of darkness that needs the light of Jesus Christ. We share the gospel in our churches, in our homes, in our workplaces, in our neighborhoods, and wherever we are because darkness still remains that needs light shined upon it. We are not the light but the shiners of the light. We cannot transform people’s hearts and make them embrace the light and delight in the light over the darkness… only God can do that. But He calls us out of darkness to delight in the light and make it known. If the light of the world resides within you – that is, Jesus – then let your light shine. Don’t hide it but let it shine. The darkness has not and will not overcome it. Something to think about…
Where would God have me shine light and pray for those whom we send to shine light into the world?